Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Da Vinci's Perspective

Leonardo da Vinci's look into perspective

One of the most famous artists for his keen eye for perspective in his art is Leonardo da Vinci. Being able to to basically create a perfect view. From a young age, his earliest works coming about when he apprenticed under Verrocchio, he created amazing pieces of art.  Leonardo was very intelligent man, a renaissance man with many talents from art to sculpture to science.

His earliest works (at least by the consensus) 

 The Baptism of Christ
The Baptism of Christ - Leonardo da Vinci 
  file from: http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/leonardo-da-vinci/the-baptism-of-christ 

 file from: http://www.leonardo-da-vinci-biography.com/annunciation-leonardo-da-vinci.html

due to copyright laws his artwork is now public domain since the allotted time for copyright has passed

His understanding  of the world around him helped him have a better grasp of  placement and key relations between the points in his art is a part of what makes his artwork phenomenal. Beyond the astounding perspective views using his finding and understandings of science helped him create more realistic and modern art. People are still amazed at his precision just as they were back in the late 1400s.

Here are a couple sites for more information about Leonardo:
         The biography channel did an interesting video of Leonardo da Vinci that you can watch here. It goes on about the The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown that was published but does have good information beside that.
         This site is in Italian but if your browser can translate or you speak Italian this is an interesting site about the Leonardo museum and more information.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. I did not know that da Vinci was the artist who was behind the 'Baptism of Christ' painting.
